Holdrege Departments
City Hall
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Contact Information
- Location: 502 East Avenue, Holdrege, Nebraska 68949
- Mailing: PO Box 436, Holdrege, Nebraska 68949-0436
- Phone: (308) 995-8681
- Fax: (308) 995-5486
- Email: city@cityofholdrege.org
Holidays on which the City Building is closed:
- New Year’s Day, January 1st
- Martin Luther King Day, Third Monday in January
- Memorial Day, Last Monday in May
- Juneteenth, June 19th
- Independence Day, July 4th
- Labor Day, First Monday in September
- Veterans’ Day, November 11th
- Thanksgiving Day, Fourth Thursday in November
- Friday after Thanksgiving
- Close at Noon on Christmas Eve, December 24th
- Christmas Day, December 25th
City Administrator
- Chris Rector
- (308) 995-8681
- E-mail: crector@cityofholdrege.org
Administrator Responsibilities
- Manages the City’s business and carries out the City Council’s plans and directions by coordinating the work of all the City’s departments and employees
- Expends funds as authorized by the Council’s budget
- Advises the Council on legislation, financial program, capitol improvements, policies, employment, and service
- Hires city employees and may remove them
- Investigates and acts on complaints
- Negotiates and administers contracts and agreements
- Keeps the Council informed of the City’s business and financial condition
- Represents the City at conferences, meetings, and committees
City Attorney
- Corey O’Brien
- 701 4th Avenue, Suite 12
- (308) 995-2293
Attorney Responsibilities
- Advises City Council, City Administrator, and Department Heads of legality of actions
- Represents the City in all pertinent legal action
- Negotiates for easements, right-of-way, privileges, considerations, services and union agreements
- Approves final form of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions, and miscellaneous documents
City Clerk
- Dane Jensen
- (308) 995-8681
- E-mail: djensen@cityofholdrege.org
Clerk Responsibilities
- Serves as recording secretary for the City Council and attends all meetings
- Keeps files of ordinances, resolutions, and other official documents
- Receives communications for Council’s consideration and prepares final agenda with City Administrator
- Prepares agendas for and attends other committee and board meetings and serves as their recording secretary
- Attests to the Mayor’s signature on official documents
- Serves as an HR Resource for the City
- Administers the City’s various insurance policies; receives and manages claims on behalf of the City
City Treasurer
- Mary Magill
- (308) 995-8681
- E-mail: mmagill@cityofholdrege.org
Treasurer Responsibilities
- Directs the City’s accounting program and maintains compliance with accounting standards as defined by the Government Accounting Standards Board
- Implements and maintains the City’s cash management system and accounting software.
- Assists the City Administrator with the preparation of the annual budget and supervises the annual audit
- Prepares monthly financial statements and reports regarding the financial status of all funds and accounts of the City
- Administers the City’s retirement funds, prepares tax returns, maintains special assessment information and supervises the City’s accounting Clerks
Municipal Services
Holdrege Municipal Services
- Lance Steinshouer, Municipal Services Superindenent
- 308.995.8681
- E-mail: lsteinshouer@cityofholdrege.org
The City of Holdrege maintains streets, roads and curbs throughout the city, and oversees snow removal during the winter. Please contact the Municipal Services Department regarding street or traffic issues.
Swimming Pool
- (308) 995-5898
The City of Holdrege pool, located at the edge of South Park at 2nd Avenue and Blaine Street, is a popular destination in the summer months. The Olympic-size pool is heated with separate diving, wading, and water slide areas. The pool has a modest daily entrance fee of $2 and Season Passes are available: $75 per Family or $45 for an Individual.
- Monday-Saturday: 1:00-9:00 PM
- Sunday and Holidays: 1:30-9:00 PM
- Memorial Day weekend through the second weekend in August.
City Auditorium
Holdrege City Auditorium
- 421 Grant Street
The Holdrege City Auditorium is available for public performances, shows, fairs, dances, concerts and receptions. Indoor Public Walking is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. – Labor Day to Memorial Day. For more information or to reserve the space, call the City Office, (308) 995-8681.
(Back to top)Parks
The City of Holdrege has two well-maintained parks for public use.
North Park
At North Park, you can enjoy the North Park Lake for fishing or a casual walk around the park’s trail. There are playground facilities for children, tennis courts and lots of open green space. The “Promise of the Prairie” statue, sculpted by Holdrege native George Lundeen, is located on the walking trail at the northwest corner of the park. An arboretum borders the east side of the lake.
Veterans Memorial Park
Veterans Memorial Park borders the Holdrege Swimming Pool and includes a walking trail, playground facilities, a multi-use court and the Jaycee Baseball Field. It’s also home to a regulation Frisbee Golf course and, of course, the beautiful and emotionally powerful Veterans Memorial. Picnic shelters and lots of shade make this park a great place for family get-togethers.
(Back to top)Fire & Police Departments
For more information on Holdrege Fire Station, or Holdrege PD, please visit our Emergency Services page.
(Back to top)City Utilities
Holdrege Electric Utility Services
- Brian Brinkman, Electric Utility Superintendent
- 308.995.8681
- E-mail: bbrinkman@cityofholdrege.org
Electrical Service
The Electric Utility Department operates and maintains the City’s electrical service and infrastructure.
For more information on Holdrege Utility Department, please visit our City Utilities page.
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