City Council

Council Meetings and Agendas

City Council meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 502 East Avenue in Holdrege unless\ otherwise advertised.


Council meetings follow a regular order of business. Agendas are prepared in advance so they can be reviewed by department heads, the City Administrator, the Mayor and Council members. By state law, no items may be added to the agenda fewer than 24 hours before the meeting. Contact the City Administrator or City Clerk at 995.8681 by 12:00 noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting date to have an item considered for the Council meeting agenda. Agendas are available to the public in the Council Chambers during each meeting. All meetings are governed by the rules and regulations of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act.

Public Forum

Citizens may be allowed to participate and address the Council on non-agenda items during “Public Forum”. Discussion with the Council will be considered but no formal action will be taken on non-agenda matters. NRS Section 84-1412 establishes the rights of members of the public attending a meeting of a public body.

  1. Members of the public have the right to attend and the right to speak at meetings of public bodies, and all or any part of a public meeting except closed sessions under § 84-1410, may be videotaped, recorded, televised, broadcast, photographed, etc. by any person.
  2. Public bodies may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations regarding the conduct of persons attending, speaking at, videotaping, or recording their meetings. A public body is not required to allow citizens to speak at each meeting, but it may not forbid public participation at all meetings.
  3. Members of the public cannot be required to identify themselves as a condition for admission to a public meeting. The public body may require persons desiring to address the body to identify themselves.

Participation in matters before the Council

The Mayor and Council invite and urge your attendance at all regular meetings. If you wish to speak from the floor on a subject being considered, you will be given an opportunity to do so. If you have an item you would like the Council to address, please complete a Request for Agenda Item Form and submit it to the Mayor, City Clerk or City Administrator for consideration.

Minutes and Agendas:

Election Wards

ward map

First Ward (Blue)

The First (1st) Ward shall consist of all the part of the city lying east of and including the east side of Logan Street as the same runs north and south to the easterly corporate limits of the City.

Second Ward (Yellow)

The Second (2nd) Ward shall consist of all that part of the City lying between the west side of Logan Street and the east side of West Avenue as these lines run north and south between 18th Avenue and 12th Avenue and the west side of Logan Street; and the east side of Grant Street as these lines run north and south between 12th Avenue and 3rd Street and the west side of Logan Street; and the east side of East Avenue as these lines run north and south between 3rd Street and the southerly corporate limits of the City.

Third Ward (Green)

The Third (3rd) Ward shall consist of all the part of the city lying between the west side of the easterly corporate limits of the city as these lines run north and south between 22nd Avenue and 18th Avenue and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of West Avenue as these lines run north and south between 18th Avenue and 12th Avenue and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of Grant street as these lines run north and south between 12th Avenue and 3rd Street and the east side of Burlington Street; and the west side of East Avenue as these lines run north and south between 3rd Street and the southerly corporate limits of the City and the East side of Burlington Street.

Fourth Ward (Red)

The Fourth (4th) Ward shall consist of all that part of the City lying west of Burlington Street as the same runs north and south to the westerly corporate limits of the city.

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