Snow Removal Ordinance

October 14, 2024

§ 8-201  KEPT CLEAN.

   (A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for the occupant of any lot or lots or the owner of any vacant lot or lots within the corporate limits to allow snow, sleet, mud, ice or other substance to accumulate on the sidewalks or to permit any snow, sleet, ice, mud or other substance to remain upon said sidewalk.

      (2)   All sidewalks shall be cleaned within 36 hours after the cessation of a storm.

      (3)   The snow placed on sidewalks by city snowplows is a natural result of clearing the streets and is the responsibility of the property owner or occupant to remove.

   (B)   Snow from sidewalks and driveways may not be placed on city streets with the following exceptions:

      (1)   By city employees in the performance of work-related duties; or

      (2)   By downtown businesses located in an area from Railroad Street to 6th Avenue and from Grant Street to Garfield Street (commonly known as “downtown”) in an effort to establish a clearance for the conducting of business. Only snow from downtown sidewalks may be placed in city streets within 36 hours of the cessation of snowfall.

   (C)   Notice to remove such substances shall be made upon the owner or occupant of the premises, or his or her agent, and such notice shall demand the removal of such substances forthwith. If the person owning or occupying such premises is unknown or cannot be found, or if any reasonable service cannot be had upon any such owner, agent or occupant within the city, then such service shall be made by posting a typewritten copy of such notice in some conspicuous place on the premises. In case the owner, agent or occupant shall fail to remove the ice, snow, mud or other substances, then it shall be the duty of the Municipal Services Director to remove such substance, and the expense thereof shall be charged against the property and the owner thereof, and may be recovered by proper action in the name of the city or may be charged against the property as a special assessment for improvements.

(Ord. 2329, passed 2-15-2011)


   (A)   Each 24-hour period commencing with the declaration of a snow emergency shall be deemed to be a separate day. Every day or part thereof that any violation of any provision of this article shall continue beyond the first day shall constitute a separate offense and may be charged as a second or subsequent offense.

   (B)   Any person who shall violate any provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of at least $15 and not exceeding $100 if such violation be a first offense; or at least $25 and not exceeding $200 if such violation be a second offense and charged as such; or at least $35 and not exceeding $300 if such violation is a third or subsequent offense and charged as such; and, in addition thereto, shall pay the costs of prosecution.

   (C)   Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall also, if his or her motor vehicle was removed by or at the request of the city, pay such charges for removal and storage as are from time to time set by resolution of the Mayor and Council of the city.

(Ord. 2329, passed 2-15-2011)

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